

페이지 위치


게시판 검색 검색
번호 연도 논문명 연구자 학술지명
1319 2023 Advanced flexible humidity sensors: structures, techniques, mechanisms and p.. 백선하 Frontiers of Materials Science
1318 2023 Enhanced Dosimetric Accuracy Using Quality Factor Compensation Method for In.. 예성준 Health Physics
1317 2023 Monte Carlo-based identification of electron and proton edges for calibrati.. 예성준 Nuclear Engineering and Technology
1316 2023 Thermal-hydraulic safety analysis of radioisotope production in HANARO usin.. 예성준 Nuclear Engineering and Technology
1315 2023 Thermoluminescence studies of Pakistani limestone pellets for X-rays 예성준 Radiation Physics and Chemistry
1314 2023 A dose calculation algorithm for boron neutron capture therapy using convol.. 예성준 Applied Radiation and Isotopes
1313 2023 Calibration and simulation of a silicon dosemeter for ambient dose equivalen.. 예성준 Radiation Protection Dosimetry
1312 2023 Frequency-fixed motion compensation system for in-vivo electron paramagnetic.. 예성준 Journal of Magnetic Resonance
1311 2023 Discovery and optimized extraction of the anti-osteoclastic agent epicatechi.. 이기원 Scientific Reports
1310 2023 Micro-grinding-based production for sulforaphene-enriched radish seeds extra.. 이기원 Food Chemistry
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최종 업데이트1970-01-01

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