

페이지 위치


게시판 검색 검색
번호 연도 논문명 연구자 학술지명
1329 2023 Establishing a multifunctional solid electrolyte interphase on a 3D host by .. 박원철 Journal of Materials Chemistry A
1328 2023 Surface-Reconstructed Ru-Doped Nickel/Iron Oxyhydroxide Arrays for Efficient.. 박원철 Small
1327 2023 Direct Utilization of Expired Waste Acetaminophen as Organic Anode in Lithiu.. 박원철 Advanced Materials Interfaces
1326 2023 Motion Planning of Mobile Manipulator for Navigation Including Door Traversal 박재흥 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
1325 2023 Torque-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task-and-Robot Agnostic Learnin.. 박재흥 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
1324 2023 Moisture-Induced Degradation of Quantum-Sized Semiconductor Nanocrystals thr.. 박정원 ACS Nano
1323 2023 Investigation of the effect of diethanol isopropanolamine on ferrite phase 박정원 Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials
1322 2023 Glial cell proteome using targeted quantitative methods for potential multi-.. 백선하 CLINICAL PROTEOMICS
1321 2023 Enrichment of Deleterious Mutated Genes Involved in Ciliary Function and His.. 백선하 Biomedicines
1320 2023 Long-Term Outcome of Unilateral Acoustic Neuromas With or Without Hearing Lo.. 백선하 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
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최종 업데이트1970-01-01

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