

페이지 위치


게시판 검색 검색
번호 연도 논문명 연구자 학술지명
1369 2023 Automatic Extraction of Comprehensive Drug Safety Information from Adverse D.. 이형기 Drug Safety
1368 2023 Origin of extra diffraction spots for high crystalline alpha-Ga2O3 장호원 AIP Advances
1367 2023 Luminescence properties related anti-phase domain of alpha-Ga2O3 APL Materials APL Materials
1366 2023 Drastic Gas Sensing Selectivity in 2‑Dimensional MoS2 Nanoflakes by Noble Me.. 장호원 ACS Nano
1365 2023 Fibriform Organic Electrochemical Diodes with Rectifying, Complementary Logi.. 장호원 ACS Nano
1364 2023 Two‑Terminal Lithium‑Mediated Artifcial Synapses with Enhanced Weight Modul.. 장호원 Nano-Micro Letters
1363 2023 Tailored BiVO4/In2O3 nanostructures with boosted charge separation ability t.. 장호원 Carbon Energy
1362 2023 Halide perovskite photovoltaic -electrocatalysis for solar fuel generation 장호원 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS
1361 2023 2D Ni-Naphthalene-2,6-Dicarboxylic Acid Metal-Organic Framework as Electroca.. 장호원 Energy Technology
1360 2023 Rationally designed graphene channels for real-time sodium ion detection for.. 장호원 InfoMat
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최종 업데이트1970-01-01

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